Re-entry to Japan
I do not have a passport. Will I be able to re-enter Japan after going to see my family that have evacuated to another country?
Please apply for a passport unless you have a special reason for being unable to get a passport of your nationality. Those who cannot get a passport including stateless people will be issued re-entry permission. Explain the circumstances and consult with the Immigration Agency Services for application. For those who are applying for refugee status, it is generally considered difficult to get re-entry permission, however, if, for example, you are a refugee applicant with a residency status for more than one year, you may be eligible to Deemed Re-entry Permission. Therefore, if you are considering temporary travel, please consult with the Immigration Bureau about re-entry permission. You can also consult with Support-R.
I want to return to Ukraine with an emergency. If my residency status is active, will I be able to re-enter Japan?
If you have a special reason for being unable to get a passport, you will be issued a re-enter permission. When reentering Japan with a permission, your residency status before leaving Japan will stay active during its valid period, regardless of your destination . Please consult with the Immigration Agency Service for receiving a re-entry permission.
We will update this website to provide accurate information, as it changes constantly.
make sure that your information is up to date. If you have any questions, please contact
Cautionary points
Will my residency status be revoked? If you violate Japanese law or engage in activities outside of your residency status without permission, your residency status may be revoked.(...)
The content of designation forms
Will the contents of activities permitted to those with a "Designated Activities Status" and receiving support from educational institutions, and to those with the same status but(...)
I came to Japan with the support of a guarantor. Can I change my guarantor? Please consult with your nearest immigration office. You can also consult Support-R if you have any ques(...)